A collection of Ananda Hemp products and a promo code

Ananda Hemp CBD


What Makes a CBD Oil Good?

The answer is high-quality CBD, of course. You may ask, what makes high-quality CBD? The hemp and where it’s sourced, the extraction process, third-party testing — all these and much more are major factors in producing full-spectrum CBD extract as effective as Ananda Hemp.


Full Spectrum CBD the Right Way!

Ananda Hemp has been a leading hemp-derived, full-spectrum CBD producer for decades. How do we know and why should we trust our health to their premium CBD extract?

Ananda Hemp grows all its hemp outdoors in the Kentucky soil and has never used pesticides or chemicals on its crops. Industrial hemp is a naturally hearty crop that is resistant to plagues and pests and should never require the use of chemicals. All Ananda Hemp products are tested at least three times for potency, contaminants, and quality. Each product comes with a batch number that can be matched to its certificate of analysis that shows what a third-party lab found when examining the extract.

These are just a few of the facts about Ananda Hemp, one of the best CBD oils on the market. Ananda Hemp’s history and the exceptional people that work there have compelling stories of their own. These people bring industry experience and passion as rich and as full as the range of benefits in Ananda Hemp’s premium CBD oil.


Ananda Hemp in the U.S.

Ananda Hemp was able to lay that foundation for industrial hemp’s production in the U.S. once again by accomplishing several “firsts.”


First to change legislation—Brian Furnish, Ananda’s Director of Farming & Global Production, worked alongside Senator Mitch McConnell and others to pass the 2014 Farm Bill, specifically section 7606, which allows hemp to be grown. Furnish has also worked with leaders like Kentucky Congressman James Comer to completely remove hemp from the DEA’s controlled substance list.


First legal hemp farm on U.S. soil—Since the passing of the 2014 Farm Bill, Brian Furnish is the first farmer licensed to grow hemp in the United States. 100% of Ananda Hemps’ products are grown and processed in Kentucky, outdoors, without pesticides or GMOs.


First to import generational hemp seeds—After the 2014 Farm Bill was passed, Ananda Hemp was the first company to legally import hemp seeds into the U.S. In Australia, Ananda Hemp’s geneticists, scientists, and farmers have worked for nearly 20 years to isolate superior hemp strains. Those strains now call Kentucky their home.


First, in research– Ananda Hemp and its partners continue their history of donating more money to hemp-related research than any other organization in the world.


Industrial Hemp’s History in the U.S.

Hemp farming is not new to the U.S. It was just on hiatus for a while. More specifically, it was prohibited by our various levels of government for nearly a century. Previously, the U.S. had a rich history of growing hemp commercially. But in the early 20th century, “reefer madness” drove the government to ban marijuana, and hemp got lumped in with the psychoactive high-THC plant’s reputation.


While the two plants are related, hemp is not the same as marijuana. The key difference is THC potency. Hemp is non-intoxicating because it contains .3% or less THC by law—that’s an amount that simply can’t get you (or even your pets) high.


Hemp has many industrial, nutritional, and health-related applications, and was previously grown for all of these reasons historically.


Even though it was entirely prohibited in a state-by-state trend during the first part of the last century, the government encouraged U.S. farmers to grow hemp again (for a short period) during World War II in a campaign called “Hemp for Victory.” All hemp rope (needed by the Navy) was imported into the U.S. at the time, but supplies had been cut off due to the war. So farmers were encouraged to grow the crop again. But after the war, hemp production was once again shut down.


The Best of Both Worlds

Ananda Hemp’s parent company is an Australian genetic development company called Ecofibre Ltd. Among the things it brings to the hemp industry table are, to start:


Nearly 20 years of operating experience.

Ownership of the world’s largest private cannabis seed bank consisting of over 300+ cultivars and ascensions gathered from nearly every continent around the world.

Possession of a high level of certification per the U.N. Singles Convention, which allows them to legally transfer their proprietary genetics from Australia to the U.S. with DEA import permits.



In America, Ecofibre went to work side by side with Kentucky farmers, including 8th generation tobacco farmer, Brian Furnish. As the Director of Farming & Global Production at Ananda Hemp, Furnish handpicks local farming families to help move the production of hemp forward in America. These kinds of partnerships can only ensure a future for industrial hemp that is built on a solid, honest, expert foundation.


Why the U.S.

In 2016, Ananda Hemp’s parent company, Ecofibre, decided to pull their cannabis farm out of Australia and come to the U.S. Why? Because the laws regarding medical marijuana (including hemp-derived CBD) in Australia were too restrictive. The company feels that the U.S. laws are much more progressive and will continue to be.


There’s another very human story behind the move. Barry Lambert, a major financier and now chairman of Ecofibre has a granddaughter that has suffered from severe seizures caused by Dravet’s syndrome since infancy. Hemp-derived CBD is the only thing that relieves her condition. In Australia, it was illegal for the Lambert family to give her CBD for this untreatable form of epilepsy.


Ananda Hemp’s Human Study

Ananda Hemp’s CBD oil has been successfully used in a human study, which is something almost no CBD oil on the market can claim. In this study published in a peer-reviewed science journal, researchers found that Ananda Hemp CBD oil helped reduce opioid use and improved pain and sleep in regular users. Amazing!


Ananda Hemp CBD Oil Products


Ananda Hemp Spectrum Softgels

This is the way to give yourself the gift of well-being on the regular. Taking full spectrum CBD like a daily vitamin promotes homeostasis.


Ananda Hemp Full Spectrum Extract

Ananda Hemp’s full CBD tinctures are fast-acting and come in several strengths: 200 mg, 300 mg, 600 mg, and 2000 mg. This full-spectrum product is loaded with additional beneficial cannabinoids and plant compounds like terpenes and flavonoids. 


Ananda Hemp Spectrum Salve 125

Spectrum Salve is packed with 125mg of active cannabinoids in this salve. 

Ananda Touch Bliss Intimate Oil

If you’ve been missing your bliss, Ananda’s intimate oil can enhance pleasure while reducing discomfort. Packed with premium full-spectrum CBD, synergistic terpene infusion, and essential oils, it’s pH balanced and sugar-free.


Ananda Pets Full Spectrum Hemp Extract 300

Now you can give your pet’s well-being the same attention you give your own. Easy to administer with fast results, Ananda Pets Hemp Extract can be put directly into your pet’s mouth or on their favorite food or treat.



Stop by Marlboro Drug Company today and chat with our friendly staff about our selection of Ananda Hemp CBD products!



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