Informational graphic that says, "more than 75% of American adults with hepatitis C are baby boomers".

ATTENTION ALL BABY BOOMERS! Why YOU Should Get Tested For Hepatitis C

Did you know that baby boomers, adults born between 1946 and 1964, are five times more likely to have been exposed to the hepatitis C virus (HCV)?

Hepatitis C can cause serious health issues such as liver damage, liver fancer, cirrhosis and even death. It is the leading cause of liver cancer and liver transplants.

75% of adults infected are baby boomers. The majority of those infected don’t even know that they are and can live with an infection for decades without feeling sick or seeing symptoms. During that time, they could also be passing the infection to others unkowingly. Fortunately, the majority can also be treated successfully with medications.

To get tested, go to your doctor for a one-time blood test. It checks for antibodies to the hepatitis C virus.

The sad truth is, the simple blood test, designed to detect and prevent illness before the virus wreaks havoc, is infrequently performed on baby boomers whose routine medical appointments are often crammed with other preventive measures and tests — as well as time spent addressing active problems that require a doctor’s immediate attention.

Most hospitals are now starting to use electronic medical record alerts. The automated alert, programmed to appear if a patient was within the at-risk age range, reminds doctors not only to issue the test but also provide educational materials about the virus.

If you were born between the years 1946-1964, and you have never been tested for hepatitis C, talk to your doctor as soon as possible!

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