Relief & Remedies

Boy sneezing into his elbow

Grannie’s Medicine Cabinet – Old Fashioned Remedies That Work

    Grannie’s Medicine Cabinet – Old Fashioned Remedies That Work Named after the seemingly endless supply of remedies that grandmothers provide, our Granny’s Medicine Cabinet has a wide variety of treatments for your pains and sores. Ranging from colds, to foot pain, to even breaking bad habits, we have what you need in order

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Box of rock candy crystals

Dryden & Palmer’s 100% Cane Sugar Rock Candy Crystals for Cold Remedies

Before becoming a popular treat on a stick, Rock Candy used to be a common cold medicine. For centuries it has been recognized as having marked therapeutic and preservative qualities.  In fact, in the West, sugar was used only as a medicine or preservative until people “discovered” that it also made a sweet treat – sometime in the middle

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Older women looking stressed out

Abaloparatide Reduces Risk in Women with Osteoporosis

The drug Abaloparatide was found to significantly reduce the risk of new vertebral and nonvertebral fractures among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis after 18 months of daily injections in a multicountry, randomized trial led by the Colorado Center for Bone Research. 1,901 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis received active treatment or placebo for 18 months. New vertebral fractures accurred less often

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Women blowing her nose on the couch surrounded by used tissues

Coping With A Cold

There are approximately 200 different viruses that cause the “common cold” but rhinovirus is responsible for as many as 40% of cases. While there is no cure for the cold, the virus usually runs its course within a week or so. During that time, there are plenty of ways which you can reduce the symptoms

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