heart with a stethoscope wrapped around it

Controlling Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance that is necessary for every cell in your body. There are two types of cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein (HDL), often referred to as “good cholesterol,” and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or “bad cholesterol.”

LDL is called “bad cholesterol” because it can build up in your artery walls and lead to a blood clot, heart attach or stroke. Obesity, smoking and a diet high in saturated and trans fats puts you at greater risk. A healthy diet with plenty of fiber from fruits and vegetables, lean protein and regular exercise are the best ways to prevent this.

High cholesterol has no symptoms and a blood test is the only way to diagnose it. If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, there are medications and supplements that may help control or lower it.

Some steps you can take to control you cholesterol include:

Eat heart-healthy foods including healthier fats, fiber and whey protien
Exercise most days of the week and increase physical activity. Take the stairs, walk more, etc.
Quit smoking

You can speak with your doctor or pharmacist for advice on what medication or supplements could help you. Contact us today if you have any questions reguarding your cholesterol.

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