Women blowing her nose on the couch surrounded by used tissues

Coping With A Cold

There are approximately 200 different viruses that cause the “common cold” but rhinovirus is responsible for as many as 40% of cases. While there is no cure for the cold, the virus usually runs its course within a week or so.

During that time, there are plenty of ways which you can reduce the symptoms and allow your body to recover.

Here are some ways to help reduce your common cold symptoms:

Frequent and gentle nose blowing will clear out mucus from your nose and allow you to breathe easier.
Gargling warm salt water or a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar can provide relief for a sore throat
The steam from a hot shower or soup can clear your nose
Sleeping with your head raised allows mucus to drain
Taking over-the-counter products such as cough syrups/suppressants, throat lozenges and vapor rubs all provide effective relief for cold symptoms

For the over-the-counter medicines and recommendations of what fits best with your symptoms, contact us or visit Marlboro Drug today.

We have over-the-counter medicines and cough syrups starting at $1.00.

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