Ananda roll-on oil


What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, most commonly known as CBD, is a chemical that is extracted directly from the Cannabis sativa plant and is known in the medicinal world for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving capabilities. A non-addictive alternative to other pain-relievers, CBD helps direct signals to your cells, in turn causing the cells to respond with these relieving effects. 


Our Product

We carry a number of CBD-based products, however, our 500mg CBD-Infused Soothing Roll-On from Ananda’s is one of our most popular topicals. Produced in small batches from plant-based ingredients, this roll-on relief is handled and packaged in Kentucky, U.S.A. Coming in a small container, it’s easy to throw in a gym bag or purse when out of the house, and with its rollerball applicator it’s perfect for on-the-go application. Out in public and you begin to feel sore? No problem. Simply remove the top of the roll-on container, and spread the gel over any sore/aching areas such as your ankle, abdomen, or neck and you will begin to feel relief in as little as twenty minutes. This product is perfect for those looking for their first CBD-based product, or even those looking for it to accompany their tinctures and soft gels for the best results. 


Common Reasons for Use:


Chronic Pain

Muscle Soreness

MS Pain


How Do People Feel?

With their growing popularity, CBD-based products have received the attention of thousands of people seeking a means of relief, and for the majority, this has concluded their search. Used by anyone from high school athletes struggling with the pains of physical exertion, to elderly individuals with chronic pain, CBD products, specifically Ananda’s Soothing Roll-On gel, have brought much-needed comfort for individuals such as these.


Safety Precautions

When first applying a CBD-based product, it is suggested to begin with patch-testing the product to prevent any large reactions, especially if you have sensitive skin. For those who are starting their CBD relief journey, it is advisable to begin with light, small applications of the gel before building towards larger amounts if needed. Additionally, it may seem desirable to spread the gel over cuts in the skin, but it is recommended to stay away from all open wounds or exposed areas. 





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