Puppy suffering with a skin disease called pyoderma.

Pyoderma in Dogs

What is Pyoderma?

Pyoderma is defined as a bacterial skin infection. It comes from the Greek words pyo meaning “pus,” and derma meaning “skin.” Pyoderma may also be referred to as impetigo, especially in young puppies.

Symptoms and Types

Crusted skin
Small, raised lesions
Loss of hair (alopecia)
Dried discharge in the affected area

How Is Pyoderma Treated?

The typical treatment for pyoderma is antibiotic therapy for a minimum of two to six weeks. It is important to perform a skin culture and antibiotic sensitivity test in chronic or recurrent cases to ensure that the proper antibiotic is used. Topical treatment includes sprays and medicated shampoos containing benzoyl peroxide or chlorhexidine. Additionally, your pet must have clean, dry, padded bedding.

What is the Prognosis for my pet’s Condition?

Most cases of pyoderma resolve with oral antibiotics and topical therapy.

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