Two old goats balm for relief of fibromyalgia

Two Old Goats Balm For Fibromyalgia Relief

If you or a loved one is suffering from Fibromyalgia (FM), you may feel very alone and as if there is no relief. But the truth is that FM is very common, and there are more than 3 million cases in the US per year

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that can last for years or be lifelong. Widespread muscle pain and tenderness are the most common symptoms, often accompanied by fatigue and altered sleep, memory, and mood.
 The cause is unknown, but genetics may play a role. There is no cure for FM, but treatment may help and there are ways to find relief. Medications, talk therapy, and reducing stress may help control symptoms.

Fortunately, several options are available to help ease and manage FM symptoms and improve your quality of life.

One option we have found many success stories with is our Two Old Goats lotion and balm that we offer for sale in our store and online. It is an all natural cream that has been called “miracle stuff” by many suffering from chronic joint & muscle pain, including Fibromyalgia, who have found relief through Two Old Goats.

If you are suffering from Fibromyalgia and looking for relief, we recommend using this Two Old Goats’ balm to tackle your toughest aches & pains. Their goat’s milk base carries their natural blend of 6 Essential Oils deep into your joints and muscles.  German Chamomile, Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, Eucalyptus and Birch Bark work together as both an anti-inflammatory and an analgesic.

You may begin feeling relief instantly, while daily applications have a cumulative effect. Two Old Goats lotion and balm offers pain management you can feel good about, with a delicate scent, not a strong unpleasant medicinal odor. 

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