First aid kit case

What To Include In Your First Aid Kit

Having a first aid kit around the home is a wise precaution to deal with minor cuts, scrapes, stings, burns or sprains. We know from personal experience that a well-stocked first-aid kit can help with a quick and effective response to common injuries and emergencies. While many people like to keep a first aid kit in the washroom near their medicine cabinet, we recommend the kitchen as the best place to store it, because that is actually where the majority of household injuries occur. We also recommend you keep at least one first-aid kit in your home and one in your car. Store your kits someplace easy to get to, but keep it out of the reach of young children. Make sure children old enough to understand the purpose of the kits know where they’re stored.

You can buy first-aid kits at many drugstores or assemble your own. You may want to tailor your kit based on your activities and needs.

A basic first aid kit should include various sizes of sterile bandages and gauze pads to cover a wound and antiseptic wipes to disinfect it first. Scissors, tweezers and safety pins as well as a triangular bandage to make a temporary sling should be included as well. Disposable gloves and a face mask are also must-haves in your first aid kit.

In addition to basic medical supplies, your kit should include a pencil and notepad, your emergency contact numbers, the number for your local poison control center and other pertinent emergency services.

Come by Marlboro Drug for your first-aid kit necessities! We’ll help you figure out what you need.

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