Blis-To-Sol Liquid is a uniquely formulated product containing Tolnaftate 1%(anti-fungal) in an acetone base and is Granny’s choice for a hard-to-treat athlete’s foot! Granny called it “working man’s foot” due to the high incidence of athlete’s foot when heavy boots are required on the job,
Blis-To-Sol is Granny’s choice for “ringworm” (a common fungal infection on the body) as well. Acetone is a potent organic solvent that removes water (fungus needs water to thrive) and has a drying effect while delivering a powerful antifungal treatment. The drying effect of acetone combined with Tolnaftate makes Blis-To-Sol a potent treatment.
As always, follow all package use recommendations and consult with your Marlboro Drug Company Pharmacist before using a new product.