Healthy Habits for Diabetes Prevention and Management

According to the CDC, more than 38.1 million adults (around 14.7%) aged 18 or older have had diabetes in their lifetime. As the prevalence of this disease continues to rise, it is becoming increasingly important to shed light on diabetes prevention and management. It is estimated that nearly 97.6 million people in the U.S. ages […]

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Alzheimer's Patient

Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease is a complex and devastating neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects cognition, memory, and overall brain function. Shattering the worlds of both individuals and their loved ones alike, Alzheimer’s leaves those affected with an incredible sense of loss. Currently, it is ranked as the most common form of dementia – affecting millions every year

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Sunscreen Application

Summer Health and Wellness Tips: Staying Safe and Healthy in the Heat

As the summer heat has been in full swing the past few weeks, we want to make sure that our friends and neighbors here in Bennettsville stay safe, healthy, and happy during these sweltering months! With rising temperatures and increased outdoor activities, it is essential for you to take care of your health and well-being.

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Red heart with a stethoscope wrapped around it sitting on a table

Steps to a Healthy Heart

In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared February as American Heart Month – a national observance for Americans to raise awareness about heart disease and to promote heart health. Consider protecting your heart all month long by following a few key steps: 1. Schedule a Check-Up Schedule a check-up with your healthcare provider this month

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Hands gathered around a blue cervical cancer ribbon

The Importance of Cervical Cancer Screening for Women

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. At Marlboro Drug Company, we want to use this opportunity to encourage women to talk to their healthcare providers about the importance of getting screened for cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix, often caused by the abnormal growth of cells in the cervix or a virus

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A collection of Ananda Hemp products and a promo code

Ananda Hemp CBD

  What Makes a CBD Oil Good? The answer is high-quality CBD, of course. You may ask, what makes high-quality CBD? The hemp and where it’s sourced, the extraction process, third-party testing — all these and much more are major factors in producing full-spectrum CBD extract as effective as Ananda Hemp.   Full Spectrum CBD

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Boy sneezing into his elbow

Grannie’s Medicine Cabinet – Old Fashioned Remedies That Work

    Grannie’s Medicine Cabinet – Old Fashioned Remedies That Work Named after the seemingly endless supply of remedies that grandmothers provide, our Granny’s Medicine Cabinet has a wide variety of treatments for your pains and sores. Ranging from colds, to foot pain, to even breaking bad habits, we have what you need in order

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Little girl scratching her itchy head from having lice

FDA Approves OTC Lice Treatment

In October, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Ivermectin, marketed as Sklice, to treat headlice. Over-the-counter availability of this product greatly increases treatment options for head lice. Offering treatment without requiring a doctor’s visit or prescription will help limit this highly contagious parasite spread. Sklice is a simple, one-dose treatment and is suitable for

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