Overdose Awareness and How it Impacts You

August 31st marks a day of remembrance and action for many. International Overdose Awareness Day is the world’s largest annual campaign to end the overdose epidemic, remember the victims of overdose, and recognize the grief of families and friends left to mourn.

At Marlboro Drug Company, we want to use this opportunity to raise awareness about the overdose epidemic and educate our neighbors on proper medication management to prevent accidental overdoses for ourselves and our loved ones.

The theme of International Overdose Awareness Day 2023 is “Recognizing those people who go unseen”. There are many people in our community who are affected by overdoses on a daily basis. Whether it is a first responder, healthcare worker, friend, neighbor, or family member, many people right here in Marlboro County feel the grief of losing a loved one to an overdose. Oftentimes, they suffer in silence.

Addiction is a complicated issue that affects people from all walks of life. By shedding light on this topic, we help to promote understanding and empathy in our community. Talk about the issue with your friends and family, and create an environment where those in need feel comfortable seeking help without judgment.

While we often associate overdoses with illegal drugs, it’s also imperative to recognize that prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications can also pose a risk. This risk is amplified when medications are stored improperly. Accidental overdoses can happen in the blink of an eye – particularly in households with children or pets.

To prevent this from happening in your home, there are a number of ways you can safeguard your medications:

  1. Safe Storage: Keep your medications in a locked container or on a high shelf that is out of reach of children and pets.
  2. Child-Resistant Containers: When picking up your medications from Marlboro Drug Company, request child-resistant caps for your pill bottles. These caps can provide an additional layer of protection. Ensure the safety cap is placed back on securely.
  3. Proper Disposal: Dispose of your unused or expired medications responsibly. Take advantage of take-back programs every year in our community, or look up the nearest RX Drop Box near you to ensure your medications are disposed of properly.

While you can safeguard your home to protect your children and pets, it is often more complicated to protect adults from the dangers of overdosing. Improper medication use, misinformation, and complicated medication regimens can also increase the risk of overdose in adults. Here are some additional steps you can take to prevent overdoses for yourself or your loved ones:

  1. Open Communication: If you are prescribed multiple medications, talk to your healthcare provider about potential interactions and proper dosing instructions to ensure you know exactly how much of each medication you can take safely.
  2. Avoid Self-Medication: Never alter your medication regimen without consulting a healthcare professional. Self-adjusting doses can lead to unintended consequences.
  3. Stay Organized: When it comes to medication management, it is essential to maintain organization – especially when juggling multiple prescriptions. A pill organizer can be an invaluable tool, particularly for elderly individuals, to reduce the risk of confusion and the potential for unintentional extra doses. Be sure to keep the pill organizer out of reach of children.

On this International Overdose Awareness Day, we want to make sure to “recognize those who go unseen.” Support your family, friends, neighbors, healthcare workers, and first responders who have seen firsthand the tragic effects of the overdose epidemic. Do your part to end the stigma around overdosing by talking about it, promoting proper medication storage, and educating yourself and your family on responsible medication use. Together, we can make Marlboro County a safer community for everyone. Learn more about the International Overdose Day and the mission behind it by clicking here. 

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